Politics Test
You are a Social Liberal (63% permissive) and an... Economic Moderate (41% permissive) You are best described as a:
Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test |
You are a Social Liberal (63% permissive) and an... Economic Moderate (41% permissive) You are best described as a:
Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test |
The woman had lost her nose, lips and chin after being savaged by a dog.
In the controversial operation, tissues, muscles, arteries and veins were taken from a brain-dead donor and attached to the patient's lower face.
Doctors stress the woman will not look like her donor, but nor will she look like she did before the attack - instead she will have a "hybrid" face.
“Michael Jackson has a big, deep voice,” Dimond revealed. “Somewhere in there, especially if you bring him bad news or if you make him mad, his voice gets very, very deep.”
and damn is he weird:"That's the only way I know how to put it."
NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- Investor activist Carl Icahn has no qualms in pushing out Time Warner Inc.'s (TWX) Chief Executive Richard Parsons if the executive doesn't get on board with Icahn's plan to break up the media conglomerate.
In an interview with Business Week, Icahn said he is forming a slate of proposed directors to replace some or all of Time Warner's board through a proxy fight.
..Icahn earlier said if his plans to break up the company were in place, Time Warner stock would be worth more than $27.
(damn $27 would be nice....)
America Online has relaunched its free photo-sharing service as AOL Pictures and has added new features.
The service offers consumers unlimited online digital-photo storage in original resolution and tools for creating photo albums. The original service, called You've Got Pictures, was launched in 1998. It currently has 6 million monthly visitors and stores nearly 300 million photos, AOL said.
The company also announced a holiday offer for users. Up to 100 4-inch by 6-inch glossy or matte prints will be given free when ordered online, for a limited period, AOL said.
This idea actually makes sense. Showtime has been making great strides in its programming department, but the audience is still lacking. A name series that might prompt die-hard fans (are there any other kind left for "AD"?) to subscribe would be an enticing option. The idea is that "AD" might pair well with "Weeds." And no matter how you get it -- by developing it yourself or snatching it fully built off the discard pile -- a great series is a great series, period.
NEW YORK--Internet media company Yahoo has backed out of the running to buy a stake in Time Warner's America Online Internet unit.
"After we learned what their proposed deal terms were, we passed and we've never looked back," a Yahoo spokeswoman said on Thursday, confirming a report in the Wall Street Journal.
She denied that the company had made an offer for AOL but confirmed that Yahoo Chief Executive Terry Semel met with Time Warner chairman Richard Parsons in October.
The paper, citing a person familiar with the matter, said Time Warner signaled it wasn't interested in the terms Yahoo was willing to offer.
Rome (ends Nov. 20)
Curb Your Enthusiasm (ends Dec. 4)
The Sopranos (Season 5 repeats)
Deadwood (Season 2 repeats)
The Sopranos (Season 6; tentatively March 12)
Deadwood (Season 3)
Entourage (Season 3)
Lucky Louis (new comedy from comic Louis C.K.)
Big Love (polygamy drama)
The Wire (Season 4)
January 2007
The Sopranos (Season 6, Part 2)
Later: Rome (Season 2)
DENVER (Nov. 2) - Residents of Denver have voted to legalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana for adults. Authorities, however, can still file state drug charges against offenders.
With 100 percent of precincts reporting early Wednesday, 54 percent, or 56,001 voters, cast ballots for the ordinance, while 46 percent, or 48,632 voters, voted against it.
Under the measure, residents over 21 years old could possess up to an ounce of marijuana in Denver, which is nicknamed the Mile High City for its elevation.