More stuff thats only of interest to the AOLers who didn't do KW: amer today, Icahn wants on the TWX board of directors and has no problems pushing out Dick Parsons:
Icahn May Push for Parson's Ouster at Time Warner
Icahn May Push for Parson's Ouster at Time Warner
NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- Investor activist Carl Icahn has no qualms in pushing out Time Warner Inc.'s (TWX) Chief Executive Richard Parsons if the executive doesn't get on board with Icahn's plan to break up the media conglomerate.
In an interview with Business Week, Icahn said he is forming a slate of proposed directors to replace some or all of Time Warner's board through a proxy fight.
..Icahn earlier said if his plans to break up the company were in place, Time Warner stock would be worth more than $27.
(damn $27 would be nice....)