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Wednesday, February 01, 2006 

Worst Person in the World

Keith Olbermann once again awards Bill O'Reilly the "Worst Person of the World" award. (It's a very entertaining video)

"by the way, let us leave our bosses out of this bill or i'll have to call yours, and you know how much satan hates to be disturbed while american idol is on"

"unless that is, that unprofessional behavior is with one of your female producers on the phone"

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The Blog

    My blog full of random crap.
    History/Stages of this blog:
    1. Completely random crap
    2. G-Dub is stupid...really stupid. why are you voting for him..seriously
    3. everyone sucks (for voting for G-Dub)
    4. Google Lovefest
    5. YouTube Lovefest
    6. The Wire Lovefest
    7. Wii Lovefest
    8. Sporadic Posts
    (with UMD sports stuff mixed in everywhere)


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