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Thursday, July 20, 2006 

Yeah I've been lazy

not too much interesting stuff this week...so heres some random articles:

Jonathan Chait: Is Bush Still Too Dumb to Be President?

Since Blacks went all high class, this is the new place my friends will be hitting up for Monday Night Football

Phone giants join forces to land Metro communications contract
If the proposal is successful, wireless phone and wireless Internet devices from the four companies — Sprint-Nextel, T-Mobile, Cingular and Verizon — and others would function at station platforms, tunnels and bus stops throughout the region, according to sources close to negotiations between the companies.

The Blog

    My blog full of random crap.
    History/Stages of this blog:
    1. Completely random crap
    2. G-Dub is stupid...really stupid. why are you voting for him..seriously
    3. everyone sucks (for voting for G-Dub)
    4. Google Lovefest
    5. YouTube Lovefest
    6. The Wire Lovefest
    7. Wii Lovefest
    8. Sporadic Posts
    (with UMD sports stuff mixed in everywhere)


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