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Friday, September 08, 2006 

More "The Wire" lovefest

Entertainment Weekly gives this season of The Wire an A+. (I didn't actually read the review because I'm scared of spoilers)

Also from EW, they mention this useful bit of info if you want to start at season 4 (though I'd seriously recommend watchng all of 1-3 yourself):

But you still have a chance this weekend, even if you don't have the DVDs of the first three seasons, as long as you have HBO On Demand. Listed under ''The Wire Re-Up,'' the video-on-demand channel has three ''Wire Tap'' shows, each of which summarizes an entire season in just seven or eight minutes. Also showing are all 12 episodes from Season 3. Except for ''Wire Tap 1,'' these shows will all be gone by Sunday, so cancel all your weekend plans now.

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    4. Google Lovefest
    5. YouTube Lovefest
    6. The Wire Lovefest
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