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Tuesday, November 16, 2004 

Kanye - Best New Artist?

From NY Daily News:

Kanye tell who really won

Derek Zoolander is probably giving Kanye West a consolation call right now.

The rapper/producer must have thought he was a sure thing to win the "Breakthrough New Artist" prize at Sunday night's American Music Awards in Los Angeles. In a moment straight out of Ben Stiller's hilarious flick, West was walking up to the stage waving his arms around in glee before the winner was even announced.

You can imagine the awkwardness when he heard that country music star Gretchen Wilson had won.

Thankfully for West, he avoided national embarrassment as the cameras broadcast only his arms on television.

"I was definitely robbed," he was overheard saying backstage. "I won't be coming back to this awards show next year - probably never again.

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