Origin of Control, Alt , Delete
Description and link from Screenhead.com:
During the 20-year celebration for the IBM PC in which all involved took the stage for a chinwag, engineer David Bradley describes how he developed the magic three finger salute which reboots a crashed PC, the CTRL-ALT-DEL maneuver. Then, in a far more magical moment of truth, David slips out a pretty on-the-mark gaff at Bill Gates, who had to simply take it like a man… a man who has caused a lot of PC crashes. A fine douche chill was had by many.
David Bradley on-stage [Milk And cookies]
During the 20-year celebration for the IBM PC in which all involved took the stage for a chinwag, engineer David Bradley describes how he developed the magic three finger salute which reboots a crashed PC, the CTRL-ALT-DEL maneuver. Then, in a far more magical moment of truth, David slips out a pretty on-the-mark gaff at Bill Gates, who had to simply take it like a man… a man who has caused a lot of PC crashes. A fine douche chill was had by many.
David Bradley on-stage [Milk And cookies]