Wash Post Graphic covering Yahoo / Google / Microsoft / AOL / Time Warner
Ah I love all the recent Washington Post articles about AOL that aren't about
a) layoffs
b) how much aol sucks
c) how much aol sucks bc of layoffs
America Online
Suddenly, big Internet companies are interested in deals with America Online Inc. Why? It's partly because of you, the consumer. If one company could meet all your Internet needs, it would make tons of money through advertising and services. The quickest way to do that is to form partnerships. Can anyone say, YahooglesoftcastOnline?
Ah I love all the recent Washington Post articles about AOL that aren't about
a) layoffs
b) how much aol sucks
c) how much aol sucks bc of layoffs
America Online
Suddenly, big Internet companies are interested in deals with America Online Inc. Why? It's partly because of you, the consumer. If one company could meet all your Internet needs, it would make tons of money through advertising and services. The quickest way to do that is to form partnerships. Can anyone say, YahooglesoftcastOnline?