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Friday, October 13, 2006 

Gilbert Arenas Rules

The Pathology of Gilbert Arenas

ABSTRACT: A pseudo-psychotherapeutic assessment that attempts to shed light on the eclectic nature and unique brain chemistry of the NBA's most unheralded superstar.

GREAT Esquire feature story on Gilbert Arenas....a must read. I wasn't going to read the actual story but then I read these two blog posts about the interview

1) The DC Sports Bog which pointed out 9 interesting points, my favorite:

9) Gil: "When I get a new cell phone, first thing I do is turn it off and call from my house phone and leave stupid little messages to myself. Like: "It's me." "It's me." "This is Gilbert." "It's me." "It's Gilbert." I just fill it up, so no one can leave messages."


2) the mighty mjd sports blog which points out that gilbert has a clean colon
"I’ll watch infomercials. The last thing I bought was this colon cleanser. I just got talked into it. I’m like, Man, he makes it sound so good."

You gotta love Gilbert Arenas.

The Blog

    My blog full of random crap.
    History/Stages of this blog:
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    2. G-Dub is stupid...really stupid. why are you voting for him..seriously
    3. everyone sucks (for voting for G-Dub)
    4. Google Lovefest
    5. YouTube Lovefest
    6. The Wire Lovefest
    7. Wii Lovefest
    8. Sporadic Posts
    (with UMD sports stuff mixed in everywhere)


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