Feds try to seize suspects' fancy teeth

TACOMA, Washington (AP) -- Talk about taking a bite out of crime...
Government lawyers tried to remove and confiscate the gold dental work known as "grills" or "grillz" from the mouths of two men facing drug charges.
(From Kyle)
kyle(1:00:53 PM):
me (1:03:45 PM): hahahah
kyle(1:04:04 PM): thats blog worthy
me (1:04:16 PM): i gotta include the pic also
kyl (1:05:11 PM): yes
kyl (1:05:13 PM): hilarious
kyl (1:05:16 PM): juicy j

TACOMA, Washington (AP) -- Talk about taking a bite out of crime...
Government lawyers tried to remove and confiscate the gold dental work known as "grills" or "grillz" from the mouths of two men facing drug charges.
(From Kyle)
kyle(1:00:53 PM):
me (1:03:45 PM): hahahah
kyle(1:04:04 PM): thats blog worthy
me (1:04:16 PM): i gotta include the pic also
kyl (1:05:11 PM): yes
kyl (1:05:13 PM): hilarious
kyl (1:05:16 PM): juicy j