Sitcom or Dictator
From Pete:
Guess the Dictator or Television Sit-com Character
Here are the rules: Pretend to be a dictator or television sitcom character. I'll try to guess who you are by asking simple yes/no questions. If you're not sure of the answer to a question, answer "No". If you forgot who you were pretending to be, go take a nap, you're obviously under too much stress. Also, drink plenty of fluids.'
Ok, it totally got GOB from Arrested Development - took like 50 questions, but still, thats quality.
Guess the Dictator or Television Sit-com Character
Here are the rules: Pretend to be a dictator or television sitcom character. I'll try to guess who you are by asking simple yes/no questions. If you're not sure of the answer to a question, answer "No". If you forgot who you were pretending to be, go take a nap, you're obviously under too much stress. Also, drink plenty of fluids.'
Ok, it totally got GOB from Arrested Development - took like 50 questions, but still, thats quality.
couldn't guess judge art vandelay from seinfeld (he was in the last few episodes).
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:09 PM